��i, 34. Charm with licorice, to secure the love of a
woman ....... 99, 274
ii, 30. Charm to secure the love of a woman . 100, 311
vi, 8. Charm to secure the love of a woman. . 100, 459
vi, 9. Charm to secure the love of a woman . . loi, 459
vi, 102. Charm to secure the love of a woman . loi, 512 iii, 25. Charm to arouse the passionate love of
a woman ....... 102, 358
vi, 139. Charm to arouse the passionate love of
a woman ....... 102, 539
vii, 38. Charm to secure the love of a man . . 103, 546 vi, 130. Charm to arouse the passionate love of
a man ....... 104, 534
vi, 131. Charm to arouse the passionate love of
a man ....... 104, 535
vi, 132. Charm to arouse the passionate love of
a man ....... 104, 535
iv, 5. Charm at an assignation .... 105,371
vi, 77. Charm to cause the return of a truant
woman ....... 106, 496
vi, 18. Charm to allay jealousy .... 106, 467
vii, 45. Charm to allay jealousy .... 107, 547
i, 14. A woman's incantation against her rival . 107, 252
iii, 18. Charm of a woman against a rival or co-wife 107, 354
vi, 138. Charm for depriving a man of his virility . 108, 537 i, 18. Charm to remove evil bodily characteristics
from a woman ...... 109, 260
vi, 110. Expiatory charm for a child born under an
unlucky star . . . . . . 109, 517
vi, 140. Expiation for the irregular appearance of
the first pair of teeth 110,540
V. Charms pertaining to royalty (ra^akarmawi).
iv, 8. Prayer at the consecration of a king . . in, 378
iii, 3. Charm for the restoration of an exiled king . 112, 327 iii, 4. Prayer at the election of a king . . .113, 330 iii, 5. Praise of an amulet derived from the par?;a-
tree, designed to strengthen royal power . 114, 331
iv, 22. Charm to secure the superiority of a king . 115, 404
i, 9. Prayer for earthly and heavenly success . 116, 239
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