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Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 42.djvu/17

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��vi, 38. Prayer for lustre and power

vi, 39. Prayer for glory (yajas) ....

viii, 8. Battle-charm

i, 19. Battle-charm against arrow- wounds iii, I. Battle-charm for confusing the enemy, iii, 2. Battle-charm for confusing the enemy . vi, 97. Battle-charm of a king upon the eve of


vi, 99. Battle-charm of a king upon the eve of

battle .....••• xi, 9. Prayer to Arbudi and Nyarbudi for help in

battle ....•••• xi, 10. Prayer to Trishawdhi for help in battle V, 20. Hymn to the battle-drum .... V, 21. Hymn to the battle-drum, the terror of the


VI. Charms to secure harmony, influence in the assem- bly, and the like (sawmianasyani, &c.).

iii, 30. Charm to secure harmony

vi, 73. Charm to allay discord

vi, 74. Charm to allay discord

vii, 52. Charm against strife and bloodshed

vi, 64. Charm to allay discord

vi, 42. Charm to appease anger .

vi, 43. Charm to appease anger .

ii, 27. Charm against opponents in debate, under- taken with the pa/a-plant . . . .

vii, 12. Charm to procure influence in the assembly

vi, 94. will

��Charm to bring about submission to one's


116, 477 1x7, 478

117, 582

120, 262

121, 325

121, 327

122, 510

123, 510

123, 631 126, 637

130. 436

131. 439

��VII. Charms to secure prosperity in house, field, cattle, business, gambling, and kindred matters. iii, 12. Prayer at the building of a house vi, 142. Blessing during the sowing of seed . vi, 79. Charm for procuring increase of grain vi, 50. Exorcism of vermin infesting grain in the field .....••• vii, II. Charm to protect grain from lightning

��134, 361 i35> 494 i35> 495 136, 550 136, 492

136, 479

137, 480

137. 304

138, 543

138, 508

��140, 343

141, 541

141, 499

142, 485 142, 543

�� �