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��teacher, .S"at. Br. XIV, 5, 5, 22 ; 7, 3, 28 ; Badhy^Tik Atharva7/a; Tait. S. V, I, 4, 4 ; 6, 6, 3 ; ^at. Br. IV, i, .",, 1 8 ; VI, 4, 2, 3 ; the countless Aiigirasa, of which the RV. Anukramawi counts no less than 45 \ e. g. Sat. Br. IV, 1. 5, I ; Kaush. Br. XXX. 6 ; Ait. Br. VIII, 21, 13 ; Apast. Sr. V, 11,7: and the equally frequent Bhargava, Tait. S. I, 8, ]8, I ; ^at. Br. ib. ; Ait. Br. VIII, 2, 1.5; Kau.y. Br. XXII, 4. Occasionally, doubtless, even the j-ruti feels the connection that has been established between these names and the sphere of Atharvanic literary activity, as when the Ka///. S. XVI, 13 mentions a i^z'shi Bhisha^ Atharva;/a "•■' (see Weber, Ind. Stud. Ill, 459) ; the Kaush. Br. XXX, 6,


a i?zshi Ghora Ahgirasa ; or when the Vaiik. Br. XII, 8, 6 states that Dadhya;7/v' xA-iigirasa was the chaplain (puro- dhaniya) of the gods.

The manner in which the hymns of the Atharvan are alluded to in the i^rauta-texts is as follows. Ordinarily the texts are preoccupied with the sacrificial literature in the narrower sense, and hence devote themselves to the men- tion and laudation of the trayi vidya, either without recount- ing its specific literary varieties, or by fuller citation of the terms rzk, saman, ya^u/z. For these are substituted not infrequently other terms like stoma, uktha, j-astra, udgitha. &c., special liturgical varieties, also derived directly from the sphere of the j-rauta-performances, and, in fact, strictly dependent upon these performances for their existence. On the other hand, whenever the jrauta-texts mention, or make draughts upon other literary forms like itihasa, purawa, gatha, sutra, upanishad, and many others, the Atharvan literature is almost unfailingly included, and that too almost invariably in the following order : the traividya is mentioned first, the Atharvan holds the fourth place, and next follow in somewhat variable arrangement the types itihasa, &c.

  • Cf. Weber, Episches im vedischen Ritual, Sitzungsberichte der Koniglich-

Preiissischen Akademie d. Wissenschaften zii Berlin, 1891, p. Si 2 (46 of the reprint).

^ The snme apocryphal J?ii,hi is reported by the Anukraniawis as the author of the oshadhistuti, 'the hymn to the plants,' RV. X, 97 ; Va^. S. XII, 75-S9.

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