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Thus the Taittiriya-sawhita mentions rik, saman, and

ysi^u/i alone at II, 4, 12. 7 ; 5, 7, i ; VI, i, 2, 4 ; VII, 3,

1,4 ; 12, 1 ; the same categories are alluded to

TheAV. in __ ^ . i • a ?

the at 11, 4, IT, 0, m the expressions samna/^, ya^u-

Taittiriya- sham, and ukthamadanam ; at III, 2, 0, 5. 6

sawhita. , . , . \ ^

in the expressions udgatr/z/am (with udgitha),

ukthai-awsinam (with rika/i), and adhvaryuwam ; of. also

ish/aya^usha//, stutastomasya, jastokthasya at I, 4, 28, i.

The only mention of Atharvan literature is at VII, 5, 11, 2,

under the designation ahgirasa/^ (without atharvawa// ^), and

here the text is as follows : righhya/i svaha, ya^urbhya/;

svaha, samabhya/^ svaha. ahgirobhya/^ svaha, vedehhya/i

svaha, gathabhya// svaha, nara.ja;//sibhya// svaha, raibhi-

bhya// svaha.

This also, in the main, is the nature of the references to

the AV. in the 5atapatha-brahma«a. Either the term

trayi vidya is used, or nk, saman, and yagu/i TheAV. in . , i- • i t tt

the are mentioned explicitly: 1, i, 4, 2. 3 ; 11,

hSlt: ^' 4. 2-7 ; IV, 6, 7, I. 2 ; V, 5, 5, I. 9 ; VI, I, r, 8; 3,1, 10. 11.20; VII, 5, 2,52; VIII, 5, 2, 4; IX, 5, 2, T2; X, 4, 2. 21. 22; 5, 2, I. 2; XI, 5, 4, 18; ^, 3-7; XII, 3. 3, 2 ; 4, 9 ; XIV, 4,3' 12 ; 8, 15, 2.9. In all these cases there is no mention of the Atharvan; but neither is there any mention of any other literary type that has a distinctive standing outside of the trayi vidya. On the other hand, the Atharvan is mentioned in a number of cases, every one of which presents also a lengthy list of addi- tional literary forms. Thus XI, 5, 6, 4-8, rikaJi, ya^u;//shi, samani, atharvaiigirasa//, anuj-asanani, vidya, vakovakyam, itihasapuia;mm, gatha narai^awsya/^ ; XIII, 4, 3, 3 fif., riko veda/^, ya^Liwshi vedaZ;, atharvawo veda//, aiigiraso veda/^, sarpavidya veda//, deva^anavidya veda//, maya veda//, itihaso veda/;, purana^u veda/i, samani veda/^ ; XIV, 5, 4, lo; 6, ID, 6; 7, 3, II ( = Brzh. Ar. II, 4, 10; IV, i, 2 ; 5, 11), r/gvedo ya^Yveda/i samavedo^tharvahgirasa iti- hasa/^ pura/^a;-'/ vidya upanishadaZ; s\oka/i sutra^zy anuvya- kh}anani vyakhyanani ; X, 5, 2, 20, adhvaryava/^ (yag-u/i),

' Cl. above, p. xviii.

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