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��>^//andoga// (saman), hahvrika./i (uktham). yatuvida// (yatu), sarpavida// . . . deva^anavida/;. Only a single Upanishad passage, XIV, tS, 14, 1-4 ( = B/7h. Ar. Up. V, 13, 1-4). seems to mention, or rather hint at. the Atharvan in con- nection with representatives of the trayi vidya, without mentioning other texts ^ The series is uktham, ya_^u//. sama, kshatram ; the passage possibly views the fourth Veda as the Veda of the Kshatriyas, or, more precisely, substitutes the act of kshatra, i. e. the performances of the kshatriya as Athar\-anic by distinction. See. for this, p. xxv, above.

The Taittiriya-brahma;/a mentions the Atharvan twice.

once in accordance with the method described above, at

III, 12, 8, 2, ;-iko }'a^u;//shi samani atharva-

The A\'. in . . , • -i a a t i i

the ngirasa// . . . itihasapurawam. in the other

Taittinya- passage. III, 12, Q. I. the Atharvan is men- tioned without the customary adjuncts, and that too before the Sama-veda, to wit, rik2iin pra^^i mahati dig u/^yate, dakshi;/am ahur ya^'-usham aparam. atharva^/am aiigirasaw pratii"!. samnam udiy^i mahati dig U/^yate. But it is of interest to note that in the sequel, where sundry symbolic and mystic correlations of the Vedas with the sun. &c., are established, the Atharvan is wanting, and the operations take place with vedais tribhi//. Thus, ;7^bhi// purvahne divi deva iyate. ya^urvede tishZ/'ati madhye ahna//, samavedena^stamaye mahiyate, vedair a.yunyas tribhir eti surya//. We shall not err in judging that the fourth Veda is mentioned in a purely formulaic manner, only because it is needed to fill out the scheme of the four principal directions of space; the real theme at the heart of the author is the traividya, as, e. g. in III, lo, II, 5. 6. On the other hand, it would be altogether erro- neous to assume either hostility, or conscious discrimina- tion against the Atharvan. The Taittiriya-arawyaka again falls into line in two passages, II, 9 and 10, presenting the texts in their most expansive form, rikd^h, ya^uwshi.

^ Conversely the trayi is catalogued with other texts (vakovakyam itiha- sapuraz/amj, but without the Atharvan, at XI, 5, 7, 6 ft". ; cf. the same list .Sahkh. Gr/h. I, 24, 8.

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