Page:Sagas from the Far East; or, Kalmouk and Mongolian traditionary tales.djvu/437

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India, origin of name, vii. ; boundaries of, in Mann, ix.

Indra, 244. 247. 334, 335. 352. 365. 394. 397.

Indus, vii. 354. 372. 383.

Inscriptions, aids to laistory, 232. 248. 351. 394.

Iran, ix.

Iranian language, xii. ; tra- ditions, xui.

Isa-Upanishad, 337.

Ixvaku, 327.

JaUmala, 367. Jama, 353-5.

Jambudvipa(see Gamhudvipa). Japan, introduction of Bud- dhism, 335. Jaxa, 335. Jaxartes, xiii. Jazur-Yeda, 337. Jewels, as ornaments, 28. 149.

371. 374; supernatural, 58.

130. 133. 138. 257. 280. 388.

397-8. 402. "Jewels," the nine, of Vikram-

aditja's court, 247-8. 395. " Jewels, the three Precious,"

167. 348. 375. Jinalankara, 385. Jogatscharja, 343. Jong-lo, 345. 348-9. Juan, Khanat of, 345. Jumna, the, legend of, 241, 363,

373. 389. Jusalte, 392.

K. Kadambari, 395.

Kaitja, 267. 275. 332 and note,

343. 398. Kakravai-tin, 332. Kalavinka, 268. 399. Kalhana Pandita, 238. Kali, 234. KaUdasa, 249. 396. Kalijuga-Ragakaritra, 390. Kalmouks, 324. 348. 382. 404. Kama, god of love, 337. 356. Kama, Thomas, 339. Kamaduh, or Kamahenu, 375. Kamanaptira, 369. Kamara, 375. Kampo, Tibetian for " Pontiff"

(see Ssrong Tsan Gampo). Kandala, 387. Kandana, 367. Kandra, 387. Kandramas, 386. Kandrasena, 496. Kanshiki, 372. Kapilvastu, 396. Karika, 343. Karin, 353.

Karnataka Eagakula, 238. Kashjopa, 364. Kashmir (see Cashmere). Kaushika, 335. Kavjadarsha, 395. Khaldan, 349. Khalkas, 350. Kharmanvati, 389. Kharva, 387. Kiakhtu, 347. Kitad, 382. Kitag'a, 378. Kokila, 399. Kolahola, 241. Kolos, 324. Komboun, 349. Kondochates, 381. Koumis, 363. Krijavidja, 2. 344.