Page:Sagas from the Far East; or, Kalmouk and Mongolian traditionary tales.djvu/438

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Krishna (see Crishna).

Krita, 387.

Krittikâ, 386.

Krotalia, 371.

Kshatriga, 367 (see Xatrija, &c.).

Kuan-schi-in, 366.

Kublai-Khan, 345.

Kuhû, 387.

Kuku-noor, 325. 348.

Kumbal, 389.

Kun-snang, 360.

Kuruxêtra, 354.

Kushinagara, 331–2.

Kütschun, 400.

Kuvera, 335.

Küwön-ojôtu, 367.


Lalitâditja, 341. 397.

Lama, 153. 208. 267. 345. 349–50. 359. 372.

Lamaseri, 346. 348.

Lânka (see Ceylon).

Latin writers, information on India derived from (see under Greeks and Latins).

Laxmana, 340.

Lha-Ssa, 348-50. 401.

Lion, geographical distribution, 148. 369 ; appellations, ib.; character in allegory, 370. 327. 379-80.

Lôkapâla, 335.

Lollia, 374.

Lotus, 272. 347. 394.

Lung-shu, 342.


Mâdhava, 336.

Madjamika, 1. 341. 343.

Madjana, 343.

Madjantika, 355.

Madura, 341.

Magadha, the countiy of, 2. 158. 241. 328 and note, 344. 373, 374. 399; other meanings, 344.

Maghadûta, 249.

Mahâ Bharatâ, description of, 325-6. 240; collected by Vjasa, 241-2; date, 242; quoted on deluge, 336; on Garudâ, 365; on mercantile expeditions, 368 ; on tirthas, 373; on horse-sacrifice, ib.; on cows, 375; on heroes, 377 ; on silk, 378 ; continuation of, 395.

Mahâdêva, 403.

Mahâdêvapatma, 339.

Mahâjâna-Sutra, 239.

Mahâ Meerû, 386 (see also under Meerû).

Mahâstûpa, 395.

Mahâvansha, on genealogy of Buddha, 327; on serpent-worship, 355; on kaitjas, 398-400.

Maja, 327.

Maireja, 402.

Malâva = Malwa, 234. 246. 374. 389. 394.

Malla people, the, 331 and note.

Mandala, 14. 355.

Manggu, 63. 359.

Mang-ku, 345.

Mani, 347.

Mang-tritt, 392.

Mango, 6; uses, 351; Sanskrit and other names, 351.

Mangu, 404.

Mantschou dynasty, 350. 404.

Mantschouria, 404.