Page:Saint's faith in Christ.pdf/2

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I Think I hear ſome pleaſant ſound,

Some loving breath I feel;
I think I ſee ſome dawning light,
But do not know it well.
The ſtorm is turn'd into a calm,
The darkneſs into light,
The fearful darkneſs of the night
Doth vaniſh out of ſight.
I ſee the clouds withdraw themſelves,
And ſhadows flee away.
I think I ſee fome glancing rays
Of an approaching day.
The morning-ſtar I do diſcern,
The day on high to ſpring,
Which to the weary dying heart
Life from the dead doth bring.
The ſun doth riſe with beauteous beams,
And dazzling rays of light;
Of pureſt light, and only meet

To follow ſuch a night.