Page:Saint's faith in Christ.pdf/3

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O but the light be ſweet to them
Whom darkneſs deep did hold,
And fure it is a pleaſant thing
The ſun now to behold.
O faireſt Sun of righteouſneſs!
O radiant beauty bright!
O glorious and wonderful!
O everlaſting light!
O amiable, ſweet and fair!
Moſt lovely and moſt pure!
O uncreated Glory, which
Shall evermore endure !
By thee the morning-ſtar gives light;
By thee the fun doth ſhine ;
ea, all the great and leſſer lights
Derive their light from Thine.
There is no need of ſun nor moon,
Nor ſtars therein to ſhine ;
There tho they were, they could not ſhine,
No light is light but Thine.
O loving ſpring of pureſt light,
From Thee ſweet ſtreams do go,
Of pureſt riches, deep and long,
Out of this fountain flow;
Which doth the dry and weary land,
And parched ground revive;
Which doth the weak and fainting heart

Reſtore, and it relieve.

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