Page:Saint's faith in Christ.pdf/8

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The miniſters of flaming fire,
Who ſoon began his praiſe,
When he firſt by his mighty hand
The morning-ſtar did raiſe ;
The Cherubims and Seraphins,
Ye who by-ſtanders be,
In times beginning, when that ye
The new made heav'ns did ſee;
Long have ye look'd with wondering,
And yet ye looking be,
And yet your higheſt thoughts of him
With folly charged be.
Sure I of that myſterious one
Do ſpeak but ſtammeringly,
And by any want of knowledge, there
Is darkneſs unto me.
But when I come unto that place
Of glory, I ſhall be
Filld with the knowledge of the God
Of glorious majeſty ;
And ſee his face for evermore,
And be of ſin made free,
And fill'd with glory, joy, and love,
To all eternity.