Page:Saint's faith in Christ.pdf/7

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No aloes, myrrh, nor caſſia,
Nor any ſpices are,
Nor yet the fragrant Lebanon,
Of ſuch a ſcent by far.
Thou art the high and lofty one,
Above the earth and heav'n,
And unto thee all power above
In heav'n and earth is giv'n.
Oe'r all the earth's inhabitants,
Unto the utmoſt end,
And o'er the angels glorious,
His power doth forth extend.
Both life and death are in his hand,
The keys of hell are his ;
And as the higheſt king of kings,
The crown of heav'n he wears.
Of all the heighth and depth of grace,
That's in the fountain full,
He hath the power to diſpoſe,
According to his will;
The light of the eternal life,
Out of the fountain pure,
Of pardon, peace, and holineſs,
For ever to endure.
The fullneſs of the father doth
In him for ever dwell;
He of th' eternal Father is

The Son to equal all.