Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/18

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nated to the Communist Party—Collapse of the Unions admitted by Trotzky—The Printers' Union Describes Bolshevist Labor Union Practices—Trotzky's Plan of Appointing Trade Union Officials—Lenin vs. Trotzky—The Revolt Within the Unions—The Chief Terrorist Takes Trotzky's Place as Commissary of Transport—Appeal of the Printers' Union against the Communist Party

Oppression of the Agricultural Population
The Agricultural Population Conquered and Subjected—The "Class War" Continued against the Agriculturists (Peasants)—The "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" as the Rule of an Industrial Minority over an Agricultural Majority—Vilification of the Agricultural Population by Russian Bolshevists and Foreign "Liberals"—The Agriculturists as the Internal Enemy—Looting the Countryside—The War against the Villages—Lenin's Covering Phrases—The Great "Reform" in Bolshevist Agrarian Policy—Compulsory Co-operation—The "Return to Capitalism" in Agrarian Policy—Foundations of Lenin's Agrarian Policy 104–124
The Economic Collapse—Fictitious Reforms
The Economic Collapse Due Partly to Bolshevism—Disorganization Admitted—Agriicultur-