Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/19

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ists in revolt—Bureaucracy Absorbing Town Population—Persecution of Brains—Government by Paper Decrees—Unexampled Inefficiency—Accelerated Degeneration of Industry—Impossibility of Social and Industrial Reform Undder Existing Conditions—Mythical Reforms an Example, the Supposed Regard for Children and Education—Dreadful Condition of So-called "Childrens's Homes" Attempted Communist Monopoly of Schools—The War of the Communists Against the School Teachers—Less than One-Fourth of the Children in School—Literacy Desired by Bolshevists in Order to Spread Effect of Printed Propoganda—Education a Branch of Propoganda—Separating Children from Home and Family Culture and Social Reconstruction to Wait until Destruction of Existing Society is Completed
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World Revolution The Attempt to Overthrow Democratic Governments
World Revoloution Remains the Chief aim—Wars and Revolutions Regarded as Interdependent—Civil War Held as the Normal Aftermath of Revolution—Military Aid for Foreign Revolutions—Revolutionary Movements Useful to the World Revolutionary Cause Even When There are no Revolutions— Denial of World Revolutionary Plans by Bolshevist Representatives Abroad—Bad Faith a Funda-