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92 § 124. 1. Those of knowledge, skill, experience and the con- trary (as #fö, ¤Ãs, Fifad) and Star (wont to). Mudr. I, p. 34 ary areas: cafe addentui (bravo, my child, you are well acquainted with the practice of the world), R. 1, 20, 24 enunciaz: (not skilled in battles); R. 2, 51, 3 and ad: (people who are accustomed to trouble). Examples with others: Mudr. IV, p. 146] er (impa. tient of the burden), Kâm. 3, 22 i faa) gifer adran (he must speak so as to rejoice all beings). NB. With the adjectives of knowledge and skill and with some others the locative is also used (142). ') RA 2. (depending on) and (clinging to). Panc. 23

(that remedy depends on you), ibid. 277

gated am fanfare (give up that, which you have taken belonging to him). 1 - 3. qu (full) and its compounds. See 123. 4. Those of likeness and equality. See 61. 1) The Kâçika errs interpreting this sûtra so as to take EINER and , as if they meant but these two words, though it is evident, that two categories of words are meant by Pânini, that of occupation” (#y) and that of skill" (). The rule given 1, 1, 68 - à Di IKERÁM is commonly interpreted in too narrow a sense. It does not purport that any word occurring in PâNINI's text, but for a sanjñâ, doos signify but the word itself, not its synonyms - if this were so, we should have to enregister its violation every moment but simply this: with the exception of such algebraical signs ₁ the suffixes of the grades of comparison, sím., the sounds and words of which the vyakaraṇa-sûntra is made up, are to be understood such as they are uttered. But it is left to the common sense of the reader to infer in each separate case, whether the word contained in the grammatical rule is meant as to its outer shape or as to its meaning, whether it is to denote but one or a whole class of words of the same purport, as tym and got evidently do here. For the rest, the vernacular grammarians themselves are obliged to admit of exceptions on their own interpretation of P. 1, 1, 68. See but the vârtt, on that sûtra. 3 I M 1 P. 2, 3, 40.