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tive § 124-126. the Rem. Note a with gen., when subst. »the match, counterpart" Pat. I, 445 fra: (an other ox is wanted like this), Kathâs. 25, 178 daldan fedi a à (I will fetch you myself the match of this foot-ornameut). 5. A great number of adjectives admit of the dative- like genitive, see 129. 126. 125. tive- uitive. IV. Sometimes the genitive is available in such cases Abla- as do properly belong to the category of the ablative, if like ge- there be at the same time room for the conception of belonging to" and that of proceeding from." Of the kind we have already mentioned two instances, viz. 1. the genitive of origin (113), 2. that of the starting- point (98, R. 1 and 2). The latter is not limited to the Con- cases, mentioned above, but is sometimes used side curring with by side with the ablative even with such nouns as the abla-3, etc., Vishnup. 2, 3,1 3ªj (north of the ABLATIVE-LIKE GENITIVE. » 93 ocean). On this account we may understand how the genitive is sometimes used instead of the ablative with a) verbs of asking, wishing, taking, receiving etc., by of hearing, learning, c) of being afraid of. R. 1, 28,10 a). The abl. is here the regular idiom; the gen. not frequent, as Rajat. 1, 131 ..... gsat fastsataand anfar coll ist, (accept of me), M. 4, 87 : gifà goveïì-

( accepts of a king, who is avaricious and a trans-

gressor of his royal duty), Panc. 225 ff. So already in the archaic dialect. Gaut. 17, 1 Fachty fasmiat araon yeld aangdara (a brahman is allowed to eat and to accept presents from twice-born men of good behaviour); b) R. 6, 31, 2 poi Naw: gran ¶ 4 (Râvaṇa after having na mgnag-