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§ 139-140. 107 facugaran (he was attached to wordliness), Ragb. 3, 4 #forò auntãà i ar (she bent her mind to such a desire). of cling- ing and adher- b) Panc. V, 8 # Trufa afia: (crowds of people cling to a rich man), ibid. 307 z itarat anf (one [of them] falls on his neck), Daç. 75 T (he fell in love with her), Ch. ing. Up. 4, 14, 3 gaffe and and a ff (no evil decd clings to him, who knows so), Panc. II, 131 œuàguṁ g7 — (a hero, not addicted to vices). c) 1. to lean on. R. 2, 46, 27 ....ya yg sifat: (lest they should sleep, lying down on roots of trees). - With and its compounds, likewise with the accus. is the regular con- struction, not the loc., especially in the metaph. scnse »to apply one's self to somebody, to implore one's aid." - 2. to rely on. Panc. | ing on of rely-II, 194 a anà facuraten: get far and f, Câk. I amazit fufuatana à: (even these who pos- trust- sess strong learning, mistrust themselves). So with on), fara (to trust), sim. Câk. II fasi nea a) (the gods have confidence in his bent bow and in Indra's thunderbolt), Panc. II, 48 f. p. 181. ing. (to hope uta à ... of seiz- d) Panc. 161 m (scized by the hand ), Mrech. I, p. ing by. 39 afic thing , Kathas. 29, 3u (she laid her hand T, marę of fall- ing at on her neck). one's feet. e) graad: afa is a standing phrase. See f. i. Çâk. IV fùg: quì; afd. 5. The locative, when used in the same way as English in him I see much skill." So Mhhh. Ia manzania 140. 5. Lo. cative stract sense. in ab- r (I may expect all of him, he can do impossibilitics), Çâk. II geata mar f (hunting is reckoned to be vicious in a prince), Prab. V, p. 109 matangarà a : (there is no sin in giving a good counsel to the afflicted), R. 2, 7, 10 arada cara dent af (and she told Kubja of the great happiness of Râma). Rem, 1. When used as the predicate of the sentence, this locative is occasionally carrying the notion of suiting, befitting." Panc. I, 305 maweng exų (friendship suits similar charac- ters and inclinations), ibid. p. 251 Tamana god p (the