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106 § 136-139. to be born from; to beget with. The mother is put in the locative. Cp. 100, 1. Kumâras. 1, 22 to reckon among. Daç, 199 ng (he was reckoned among the gods). 137. 2. The locative in which is put the person, with whom one 2. to dwells, stays. Prabodh. VI, p. 123 Tft a (I stay with. am without protector and wish to stay in your house), Mhbh. 1, Mudr. VII, p. 229 138. 3. fasta etc. 74, 12 ani fararì fe ardy a Adducat fan antofa: (I have stayed for some time with Mal.). So especially af (he dwells with his spiritual father), Ch. umala craifa (v. a. I will be the pupil of the Up. 4, 4, 3 Reverend). 3. or with loc.- ,keeping close to", that is observing, obeying one's precept, principle, judgment etc. Çak. VI à m fifa (you do not obey my order), Daç, 72 gada (comply with the wish of your mother). Cp. Lat. stat promissis, stat sententiâ and Kâç. on P. 1, 3, 23 f f (it rests on me I am to decide.) 139. 4. The locative, which serves to denote the thing 4. Lo- touched. It is used with a) verbs of fastening at - espe- cative of the dre touched. thing cially as well in their proper as in a figurative sense; likewise with the others, b) those of clinging, adhering to, as, , etc., c) of leaning on, relying on, trusting, d) of seizing by, e) of falling at one's feet and in other similar locutions, as f. i. Ragh. 1, 19 dell (and the string, bent on the how), at gi Çak. Vi g hand amdari Gugunai qung (an antelope's female, rubbing her left eye against the horn of her male companion). Mature with verbs of Examples: a) Panc. 238à , ibid. 286 fasten- arat maurtainera, Fac. I, p. 40 ffa 31, Bhag. Pur. 4, 27, 10 ing.