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§ 149-152. goed by the virtuous, who does well to his enemies), Câk. IV 150. faut affsià (be kind to your household). Many locatives have the character of adverbs, as Locati (in the beginning), (secretly), n (apart), (at the head), adverbs etc., especially such as denote time or space ¹). yes as CHAPTER IX. Periphrastic expression of case- relations. The apparatus for periphrasing case-relations may be classed into three main categories, viz. 1. prepo- sitions, 2. noun-cases, 3. verbal forms. The boundary between the first class and the second is in some degree unsettled and floating; of the noun-cases concerned here a great deal, indeed viz, such words 2 , , , , those in : etc. are construed in the same way as the old and genuine prepositions, whereas others are always felt as nouns and construed accordingly of the kind are è, aan, duld, Zali, anu, , etc. The third class is made up of gerunds 151. 152. - 1 J - 113


as O 2, 3, TEa, , fa, etc. - or participles in viz. YAT, fen, fed, and the like. yot ag qaray agent per az a da sig fralamuta I. PREPOSITIONS 2). Sanskrit prepositions should rather be styled „post- 1) Mhbh. 1, 140, 49 the loc. pa, it seems, does duty of an ad- verb singly, alone." The chacal has artfully removed his competitors, and now he eats up all the flesh, alone. Cp. Dutch: in zijn eentje. 2) Indian grammar, which does not possess, as we do, that hetero- 8