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§ 147-149. (this is convenient for a lord with respect to his attendants), 3, 107 44 148. This kind of locative is sometimes bordering on that, taught in 140. The nimittasaptamí (locative of the motive; locative of reference) often serves to qualify such substantives as aleg, ufm, âş, afdNIA, AIGE, DAIGT, Again, 42511, 341, fayl and the like. The genitive is here, of course, the concurrent construction. $1 dog Examples: Daç. 89 (he fomented his enmity towards Ud.), Mhbh. 1, 155, 9 #fif (you must have pity on me), Câk. I meanfaatfà à : (my heart longs for her), R. 2, 103, 2264 Hitop. 9 rafa faxat;, R. 1, 50, 24 getulu fen, Panc. 251fa was: anter: dzng (a wise man must not be careless about business, however small). It also attends on several adjectives, part of which likewise comply with a genitive, as fu, yan, Hah and the inverse of them, & (fond of), Fd (delighting in) etc. Mâlat. X, p. 172af, Çak. II qffim gaur gauf alu, Panc. V, 65 nd: ad cgà : 149. In general, the locative may denote a disposition P. 2, 3. 43. 112 M. Loca- tivcex- towards somebody. Then it is synonymous with the prepos. or ATTE (N. N. is pr ive of a fel, as : Ayfai Gaga: disposi- tion to good for his mother). wards. Examples: Daç, 144 affigat young dat afaured (when I shall be returned, I shall deal with you as you deserve), Cåk. I dat DenunarmORTCaft aan ata (bow, can it be, that she feels towards me, as I towards her ?), Panc. IV, 72 buang a: aty: anyrà nea ant ing: my: a any; fon (if one is good for those, who have done well to him, what is his merit? only he is named