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$ 162-164. younger prepositions as are more or less its synonyms. 163. [2.] : (below, under). Its synonym is a and a derivative of it. Both are construed with preceding ge- nitive. Çak. I t.... yanzumu:, Panc. 211 €ata- a. af $19. Rem. 1. Sometimes it complies with abl. Panc. 145 : Compare 171 R. Rem. 2. To denote a lower place or state the old dialect pos- sessed also the adverbs #; and #m¹). Cat. Br. 9, 3, 1, 6xanta fed fra: 164. [4.] with accusative after." Like its Latin coun- terpart secundum" it is used in various senses: a.) of space and rank, 6.) of time, c.)=,,according to," d.) = „adhering to one's side," sim. Mostly, at least in prose, it is put behind the noun-case as G (thereafter), H (after him). gifent, matz: Its manifold employment may be illustrated by these examples: 1. after in space, time, rank - R. 2, 90, 3 Salland Panc. 203 auf mag faa:, Kâç, on P. 1, 4, 86 (warriors inferior to A.); - 2. along R. 2, 83, 26 fa (he encamped his army on the banks of the Ganges); lowing" = »adhering to” Mhbh. 3, 12, 45 di àfe e ni àfe amalud - 4 »after" =>according to" R. 2, 58, 19 ngng ana 3. »fol- & audi = chai na; -5. about Nir. 12, 1 lag (about the gradual advancing of dawn); 6. concerning Ch. Up. 4, 17, 9 (concerning the brahman who knows " - 119 pafat ar put so, it is said in a verse -). Rem. 1.

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39 may be compounded with its noun. Mhbh. 1, 170, 14 (rambling along the Ganga), Kathâs. 28, 26 d. 1) Comp. the upasarga aad lacus Avernus, the Latin designation of the regions below.