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165. ET: and - 120 7. If

have a distributive (day after day), § 164-166. meaning, compounding is obligatory: ([all ranged] according to the eldest). Rem. 2. In epic poetry is sometimes found with the abla- tive. The instances, I know, are Mhbh. 1, 99, 38 ... *¹) diaren te mala (you are cursed, but after a year you will be released of the curse); ibid. 14, 71, 6- the Pandavas enter Hastinapura and make their compliments to Dhrtaráshtra - - EHRT- m... gra… faci sfa etc.; R. Gorr. 6, 10, 23 citant un an (v. a. men's destiny is in proportion to the cause, whence it has sprung) 2). Rem. 3. Pânini treats of in four sutras: I, 4, 84-86 and 90. The last, which sums up the meanings of and af, is quoted 158 R. 1. when =aff [5.], a very old particle. It is added to a locative for the sake of specifying its meaning ,within" (133, a). But often also noun + are compounded into an avyayîbhava. Examples: a) of with locat. M. 7, 223 que (he must give audience within doors), Panc. I, 32 Makedmahfi afe: (the fire, dwelling within the wood), Kathas. 4, 57 atsfa fintnak: g: (and the purohita was likewise led into the darkness); b) of : compounded. Panc. 144 fa: (I entered the water), ibid. 277 Kåd. I, 47 infffent: ([birds] which have put ones between their wings). Rem. : occasionally complies with a genitive. Yâjn. 2, 104 - Kumaras. 2, 5 st 166. Kindred forms of are the particles and

  • , petrified instrumentals. Both agree with the

accusative. They are 1st =,between," 2y = ,without," 1) The Petr. Dict. reads #arend as a compound. 2) The Petr. Dict. gives also some instances of with a genitive See I, p. 197 s. v. - } af:


their young