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167. § 166-168. to and you), Mhbh. 12, 8, 15 fa mfîmqu'à ofânturutea a. As the dvandva-compounds in the first example see 207. A synonymous prepos. with acc. »between, through" is . R. 2, 98, 15 qualifà a . It may be compounded with its noun. Pane. 151 crazia funt. 122 168. [8] T always agrees with the ablative, and is put be- Tfore its noun. It serves to denote the boundary or limit, either the terminus a quo or the terminus ad quem, mostly the latter. It is available both in space and in time, and may be rendered accordingly now by ,since" and „till", now by "from" and „to." M. 2, 22 is an example illustra- tive of its signifying the two termini afa agad afanid Jaareizar pamaien fergen: (the wise know Aryavarta to be the country between the said mountains from the eastern ocean to the western). Other examples: 1. term. a quo. Çak. I # wish to hear it from the root); Kathâs. 24, 186 (since my childhood I was an ascetic); arifa: (having his 2. term. ad quem. Mhbh. 1, 163, 8 mouth split up to the ears), Çak. IV at Çak. V se delivery), Açv. Grhy. 1, 19, 5 Tan an anfon gate fag (let her stay with us till her [viz. auf] angurenanta: (until the sixteenth year the In a figurative sense anagot a aty và nay (I do not approve the skill of performing a representation, unless the connoisseurs be contented). time is not passed for the brahman, etc.). f. i. Çâk. I ar 3 — A (I T SHAY is often compounded with its noun into an avyayîbbâva. Dac. 175 mq (he drunk his fill, liter. »till his throat"), Kathâs. 5, 103 underį amfaden frem afarar (for, since the world exists, there is but one thing steady in the Creation, namely unsteadiness); Panc. I, 39 #ut firar (a lifelong beggary).