Page:Sanskrit syntax (IA cu31924023201183).pdf/139

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§ 168-170. Rem. In the vaidik mantrasis of the utmost frequency, and is put to different cases, sometimes before, sometimes behind. In most instances it is rather a mere adverb. ¹). 169. Other prepositional words. „till, until; since" are Tad, and ifa. 170. is mostly attended by the accus., sometimes by the abl. Utt. I, p. 6 ai tan (till how long?); Kathas. 54, 47 w rout atuni tarė man (— as far as his house); Mhbh. 1, 95, 12 f fanta marin Rem. As an is properly no prepos., but the acc. of the neuter of a pronoun, used as an adverb »as long as, as far as," it is plain that it may also signify during some time." Panc. 198 cllafe; Fimtat oynaffon alan. Op. 54 R. 1, e- and with preceding ablative are very and common. The former is properly a gerund beginning-, gyd gra - starting from," is construed with abl. by so- called syntactic analogy, see Rem. 2. Examples of 123 offer a; Målat. VI, p. 88 the day I have seen M. for the first time). = wad 32 since. Panc. 238 44 faqatalapaida-

Tamantalaa (since

Examples of f since. Panc. 51 cena agafron; Mâlat. III, p. 50 qatatzatartzdarzyn (since the day of the procession in the garden of Kâma); Mudr. II, p. 70 g: auf earta. Rem. 1. They may also be used of space. Hit. 132 agafad- anfaat mad Kumâras. 3, 26 au anatagion: sch-ales- 4 1) In a period as early as Yaska, Twith loc. had antiquated, for this exegete deems it necessary to interprete the mantric expression

(water in the cloud) by sù sf (Nir. 5, 5). In a subsequent

time the very gloss of Yaska would have required another, forf with loc. in this meaning being obsolete (158), classic Sanskrit would have employed or or have said a