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174. Ju and with ablative. Of them, § 173-177. be guarded by the king for three years. Before that term, the owner may reclaim it, afterwards it falls to the king). „After” in time is often expressed by or ra commonly makes up the (after latter part of a compound adverb. Kumâras. 6, 98 three days), Ragh. 3, 7 nad mat (a creeper at the time it has lost its old foliage), Pane. 52 (after 176. 175. Another word for after" is T. When prepos., it complies with a genitive generally preceding, and is mostly used of space and rank. Kathâs. 6, 134 mé màú

Fanc. 181
(no friend I put


having seen her). So (after this) and the like. That the single ablative may occasionally express after what time" has been stated above (99). [14]. The very opposite of is the old adverb before and its synonyms: a) the kindred (literally ,at the top, at the they comply with genitive or are compounded. They are employed both of space and

  1. of time.

etc. 177. 127 after him). Rem. After" in space may also be denoted by words meaning »west of" as ara, by q (at the rear) and last seems to be restricted to the old liturgical dialect. (back). The - Toll, 6) Hand head"). When prepositions, = 2 Examples of etc, applied to space. Câk. V: afaxifa gau: gràci Gamì gliz; Âçv. Grby. 1, 11, 6 avu (rad:) gyegöyó (before the victim they hear a blazing stick); Pauc. 286 [sc. agam] (he cast the young shoots down be- fore her). As to their application to time see 178. They are also often used to denote in the presence of, under the eyes of"=Lat. coram. In the same way 33