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Said $ 172-173. preceding genitive, and generally signifies above, upon" in space. The archaie dialect did use it also as a time-denoting word = »after" [ep. 34, 171 b)]. In the Cat. Br. it sometimes com. plies with the accusative. Rem. . 126 173. [12]. Akin to the old and obsolete [160] classic 4) Sanskrit possesses , qald, d: and, all TI, qytelld, Tel: of them expressive of the notion beyond. When denoting space, they serve also to signify the passing by especi- ally with accus. — and the surpassing espec. with genit. When denoting time, they are = ,,after" and comply with ablative. Examples: a.) of space and rank. Ait. Br. 8, 14, 3 facă sunt: (all countries beyond the Himalaya); Mhbh. 1, 232, 11 un (pass by us", v. a. do not harm us"); Kâm, 5, 61 - Fallout mich da: a: (- nor does noble extraction go beyond wealth); Malâv. I, p. 1 a: (who surpasses all ascetics), b.) of time after." M. 2, 122 a (after the salutation), Panc. V, 58 gefa: (after a moment), Utt. III, p. 38 - (after leaving the breast). So the frequent phrases da; apa and the like. Rem. 1. Occasionally they occur, when being attended by a genit., even while time-denoting. M. 8, 223 [Kull. = ], Ait. Br. 2, 33, 5 kalla. m Rem. 2. As etc. answer to Latin ultra, so aaf is the equivalent of Lat. citra, denoting the side next to us. When time-denoting, wat contrasted with and the like is accor- dingly »before;" then it may be construed with the ablative. Aug for at M. 8, 30 au qufaara (property the owner of which has disappeared, must L above" is not frequent. M. 1, 923 mdway: ga: afff. But it is frequent, when of time = »after," see 174.

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