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§ 183-184. FRE 183. Separation is expressed by some more prepositions, as HTU, GAN, GA, , moreover by verbal periphrase (202, 2º). About and see 166. and with ablative is ,except, save," in interroga- is . 132 184. and likewise P. 2, 3, 29. tive and negative sentences = „but;" construed with ablative and generally it is also „except, 22 save," sometimes by default of," rarely - ,without." Examples: of Mhbh. 1, 147, 20 dan and anal fen: Ra facturacireaciasta (and nobody among the citizens did know them, but -); Ch. Up. 6, 8,ng (and where could be its root except in food?). The proper meaning of being of course » elsewhere," the ablat., which attends on it, is that of comparison (105). of . 1. save, except. Bhojapr. 27 fogled s Çak. III a à falariga (what other relief is there for me, except beholding my sweetheart?); 2. = by default of. R. 2, 66, 27 zet vedudan)ood (they did not approve burning the king's body, no son of his being present); Yâjn. 2, 117 it is said that after the death of the mother her daughters must have the succession sa (by default of them, the descendants); 3. Ch. Up. 5, 1, 8 sillag muzwand (how did it forbear to live without me?). Rem. Sometimes is construed with the accusative, especially in epic poetry. Nala 4, 26 y si na a nữàng ge i dag. = 1 29 [19] Of „with” and its synonyms 4, táfa, its ayno- a full account has been given in the chapter on nyms. the instrumental (58). Mostly they precede the instru- mental, they are complying with, but they may also be put behind or be separated from it by one or more