Page:Sanskrit syntax (IA cu31924023201183).pdf/16

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Before perusing the book, the reader is begged to change P. 12 § 17 Kâm. 21 § 31 serves to determine, 51 § 68 184 R. 55 § 74 R. 4. 73 § 100 74 1. 4 86 116 92 1. 2 123 169 R. 14] §197 265 1. 2 363 in the margi- nal note 33 53 $5 2 73 23 33 33 42, borne borne avaut annan PREFACE, 54, R. 1 into, to 471, R. 4 - into Kâd. 37 32 35 29 33 32 s. t. qualify. 185 R. 1. 43 and 42, 4. born. born. Q Ⓡauch antara 54, R. 2. in, into, to. 470, R. 3. temporal serves for comparison. 33 On P. 34 § 46 R. I wrote I could adduce no instance of a with two ace. Afterwards I met with this: R. 3, 42, 31 enfurent senter augu-auf-am a fanta.