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212. 213. 152 § 211-213. or are wont to be much employed though nothing impedes expressing them by the two elements severed. Of the former kind are such as q (the highest soul), ga: (heir apparent), of the latter such as : (a black serpent), (cooked rice), and the great class of compounds, a full account of which is given by Pânini in the first adhyâya of his second ashtakam (see espec. the sûtras 49, 58, 61, 67 and 70), containing those, the former member of which is a pronoun as ad, p, q,,, and such adjectives as , guar, at, aea, , (good) etc. To them we may add such words as f, you, oud, } and even such as begin by, and the negation

S (an honest man), (a bad man), f (not skilled). Yet there are instances enough of a freer employment. Panc. 327 i qa salona (why do you run away thus by a false fear?), Pat. I, p. 2 her: = r, Panc, 30 34f, Málav. I, p. 3 à: Harshac. 6 ur (like an actor you are displaying in vain a fictitious tranquillity of mind), Bhoj. 28 - mint afiguguai (in consequence of his deeds in a former existence he is now poor), Panc. 37 (your orders), Mâlav. I, p. 28 adana (to whom his learning serves only for a livelihood), Kathas. 39, 131 (gave a best horse). Upon the whole, such freer karmadhârayas are used in a greater extent in poetry, also when being themselves but a member of some large compound, as f. i. Panc. 37 ore facha Baadlysne (by selling fine clothes given to him by many pious people), in analyzing which we get akarm. llui Į E an (of the living poet K.), [other karm.] famura aud Rem. In the case of such words as :, there seems to exist a slight difference between the karmadh. and the analytical construction of the same purport; q: is a bad barber" who knows his art badly, but af »a barber of a bad temper." See P. 2, 1, 54. We will insist on some species: a.) such as are made up of a title the noun of its bearer,