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160 § 217. additions case + noun, is however not complete, as will soon appear, if to the rules there- about. ZA; of Panini one undertakes to systematize the tatpurushas occurring in fact in some literary work.¹) So, among others, Pânini does not men- tion the abl. of comparison, compounded with and the instrumental + words expressive of plenty; the accus. with the par- ticipial adjectives in 3. Then, many more participles, whose former part is some noun-case, are in common use, though not neces- sarily, if at all, implied by the foresaid rules. 1. abl. of comparison, especially, if the former part be a pronoun, as Hit. 30 Har : :, Panc. I, 12 trade is said to be the best means for making money, m: [sc. JuTA:] igo: (any other but this is dangerous). 2. abl. of compar. +37. Such compounds are an elegant paraphrase, while calling something: the contrary of its opposite. =»left," sa: (a difficult expedient), Daç. naru (he bore his newly married wife a So afany 175 heavy grudge). 3. instrum. + word expressive of plenty. Of the kind are those in , etc. Pane. 319 ufuga:, ibid. 7 "aa, age, fengungsfrad. 4. accus. + adjective in 3 derived of a desiderative. Panc. 3 , M. 7, 197 zit:. 5. Instances of noun-cases participles are manifold and often met with. First, such as where the former part represents a socia- tive instrumental, as Panc. I, 164 fig: :, ibid. I, 229 afar (a wife, who hold: illicit intercourse with another). Then, such 19 are expressive of separation (62). Panc. I, 35 afaarsa: (abstaining from attendance), ibid. p. 1 gr faam fent: (sons, deprived of discernment), ibid. I, 189 f: ep. 198. Further locatives + a, (cp. 197), , etc., as R. 3, 31, 2 stazenaftaar prae: (the râxasas, staying at Janasthâna), Pane. I, 128 what and run (when being in distress, a king (13 - - 1) It would be indeed an interesting snbject-matter for investigation to compare on a large scale these statements of Pâuini with the facts offered us by the extant Sanskrit literature.