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§ 217. is always the prey of his ministers), ibid. I, 104 gfücht Tesmanfù , Kathâs. 42, 149 f: (fallen at their feet). Or the former member is a dative or loc. of purpose: Panc. I, 125 unt: (Vrtra, striving for obtaining the royalty); an accu- sative: ibid. p. 37 : (attached to S.); an abl. of origin: ibid. p. 2 her (of one born from a respectable family); a loc. of reference: ibid. I, 15 ccfg. And so on. , 6. As to the compound adjectives, they may generally be said to be comprised by the rules of Pâņini, as their former part is a genitive or may be accepted as such. Among them are to be noticed , , , those of skill and ability as facul, af, far, then such as , (cp. 216, III 6). Pane. 17 Tal Hathaw cutraia darunearà fatufa, ibid. 21 u qnnndo This strength will be in proportion to his voice), ibid. 27 Hala, ibid. 13. Even indubitable dative- like genitives are compounded with the adjectives, which they qualify. Panc. p. 1 parang grafaguar (as the king understood they were averse to the càstras). Panc. p. 1 affords even this iustance of a tatpur., made up of a dat. of interest + subst., when calling some king schenfacheagu: (v. a. a blessing for all the in- digent). 7. Compounds made up of a genitive +agent in , though explicitly interdicted by Panini, are in fact met with. Fane. I, 2 sed diatas, ibid. p. 7 e quit you fear (two splen- did bulls drew his chariot). AMAT 161 8. Finally we may set up a category apart for such tatpu- rushas, the former part of which is a noun-case, doing more or less duty of an adverb. Panc. 21 gaf: garansi a PORT bere garanti = gauf »acquired before," Kathas. 29, 82 gaf= dafonau (- is deceived by words falsely kind), Panc. 63 T: (a friendly discourse), Mhbb. 1, 152, 34 gegrata ….….. (I will not awake my brothers who are sleeping quietly in the forest), Kathâs. 42, 149 qfafafa: (embraced by turns). In all but the first of these examples the former part is an instrumentalis modi, used almost as an adverb (77). Cp. the following paragraph. 11