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225*. § 225, 225*. F here is the epithet of one who accepts wages from both parties," Kathâs. 72, 186 garáz fafaragaut (two siddhas, who bore the shape of flamingos), Màlav. I, p. 24 af far (K. wearing the dress of an ascetic). and Rem. Comparison is sometimes expressed by them, as R. 3, 69, 43 ant gai autorut (who are you, whose shoulders are like those of a bull?). R. 5, 17, 10 Raxasawomen bear the epithet natuur: (with the feet of elephants, camels and horses). - But also by type d.) as sila: (having lotus-eyes), ; (moon-faced). Type c) Prabodh. V, p. 103 4f (the queen does not comfort me, who am in such a state), Panc. I, 137 ….….….. afatható (a kingdom is upheld by pithy mi- nisters), Kumâras. 3, 14 the gods bear the epithet af: (whose adversaries are mighty). Apart from the very common employ- ment of ,, as the predicate in bahuvrihis, several particles and prepositions may be used so, as 3, A, fa, ft, etc., as ama (sapless), 3: one with folded hands," Ragh. 2, 74 Tyructont (a flagged town), Dag, 137 3rgur: (with uplifted weapon), Harsha 9 auga: (a leafless tree), Bhoj. 8 nar han Rem. Compounding with, and the like has the same power, as English - ful, similarly English less is expressed by compounds, beginning with , fa:º, fa', fana', aì etc. ¹). 0 170 1 176 ..... are synonymous. Q 1) Patanjali equmerates also different species of bahuvrihis: a) those, the members of which are samânadhikaraṇa as fa, b) the former part of which is an avyaya, as , c) whose former part is a locative or something compared as muc, 324, d) where it is a gen. generis or a gen. materiae as (with one's hair tied up, liter. [bearing] a knot of hair"), gaufry (wearing golden ornaments), e) whose former part is one of the gana : [P. 1, 4, 58] as gu (unleaved), f) negation + noun, as. In the case of c) an ellipsis is stated of a middle ele- ment, representing uca: es and being = 3- af ga. As to e) and f) Patanjali states the option between saying in full gafanqui : and the abridgment gaufr a, likewise between da funger and g.. Cp. f. i. Daç. 35 31 444 with ibid. sara; here the full 3 and the short 370014 >