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§ 271. and indicate something remote either by space or by time. Therefore, the latter couple may be com- pared to Lat. ille and iste, Gr. xsivos, Engl. that, the former to Lat. hic, Greek obros and de, Engl. this. The difference between them will appear better when perusing Sanskrit texts, than from instances detached from the context they are taken out. Yet, here are several, which may give some idea of it. 1. and pa Vikram. I, p. 14 Purúravas points with his hand to Urvaçi her attendance: : says he ga (Lat. hae amicae -); Nala 3, 4 Indra declares to Nala the name of himself and his comrades: ef sand addraai af:..... addszafa afda (Lat. ego Indrus, hic Agnis etc.). 2. and .Nala 3, 2 Nala asks the devas, for what pur- pose they wish him to be their messenger rate for autora t aan on, here both and answer to Latin iste; - Mudr. II, p. 77 the minister Råxasa, when hearing from his spy that the physician, whom he bad despatched to empoison king Candragupta, had been prevented from performing that plot by the vigilance of Cânakya, exclaims at here both and are = Lat. ille. 3. Examples of this and that in opposition to one another. Ch. Up. 2, 9, 1 engurita………… aftulua camu yerdwaifa (let him meditate on that sun..... it is en that all these beings [here on earth] are depending upon), ibid. 1, 3, 2 a 3 parà araît ontsagoutsa (this breath here and that sun there are indeed. the same, this is hot and that is hot); Utt. II, p. 27 HIZLOT- Tag: hoc illud studiorum impedimentum that well-known hin- drance now presents itself." In the first act of the Mudraraxasa the minister Caṇakya, after having put the jeweller Candanadasa into prison, thus expresses his contentment: Angely rastamaadra unzen denenafe daarnate man and fear: and 203 - to Candanadása. In Latin refers to Râxasa, one would say likewise: ut hic in illius re adversa suae vitae