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<= R the 33 same, § 276-279. Rem. When put twice, means »manifold, various, all sorts of —.” R. 3, 9, 31 amå fædded; hófaran gaga: gred Aayurvas, Kathâs. 29, 169 ªtaì a ddanguan zura (— with all sorts of civilities). For the rest put twice is mostly met with in the apodosis after a double : preceding. Nala 5, 11 ‹Ì ÀÐÌ ÁÀ (287). This repeated has accordingly a distributive meaning, see 252, 3º. 277. With A added to it, = „the the very," same," Lat. idem. For the rest comp. 398. Panc. 172 aa at a fat : (the same two men keep counsel together); ibid. V, 26 alfachana na af den farten: To: a parare: mùa Hama fafa (his senses are the same, without defect; his name is the same; his is the same vigour of mind, the same speech; yet how curious it is the self-same man, when having lost the splendour of his wealth, hecomes forthwith a stranger). The latter example shows, that if is plainly conveying the meaning »the same," a may be omitted, cp. Ch. Up. 5, 4, 2 afsudaísuam. 278. 208 - " often the " - may be added to other demonstratives, to personal pronouns, to relatives. As to the last combination T: A‚ see 287. —ÁÌSê, ¶ ¶ and the like, są¶, , etc. mostly are to express the worth of a con- clusive particle, therefore, for this reason, then," as will be shown further on, when describing the connection of sentences, see 445. Some other observations on the demonstratives. - 279. Demon- stratives, 1 In compounds, ac and pad are considered as the themes, which when first represent and pa; likewise , d) are respec- members of compounds tively the thematic shapes of , , , and 1) By this orthography here and elsewhere I follow the rules of Sanskrit euphony; etymological reasons would rather require to write a P, etc.