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§ 279-280. are seldom used in compounds, if they are, the neuter (

  1. ) is employed. But, as a rule, pan and

Ad are substituted for them. In other terms: in compounds, has the meaning of Lat. hic and that of Lat. is or ille. Mrech. I, p. 3 the director informs the public affect a fen:..... d paranta: etc., while speaking of the poct of the piece he has named. Kathâs. 64, 25 anân màa azutą (he was prevented from injuring them by a passer-by), here a refers to f.. ìà: [sc. avd:] in vs. 24. Idiom: = is pavor = ejus 2. The idiom, represented by Latin is pavor ejus rei pavor 1) is not unknown in Sanskrit. Mhbh. 1, 6, 11 Agni says fan rem ara afana, here ai f: = 9 (ma) z pavor. neuters of de- (who is not afraid of my curse, who has an escape from it?). Pane. 158 a boy has been turned out of doors by his father f The author proceeds, apparently ad is here = [] fata »by despair caused by this ex- pulsion". Cp. Kumâras. 3, 17, Kathás. 1, 39. in lae. 3. In formulae one uses t as significative of the proper name forma- of him, whom the formula is to be applied to. When employing them, the proper name is substituted for it. See f. i. Pår. Grhy. 1, 18, 3 Açv. Grhy. 1, 20, 5. a STRE SOC mon- Yes, 4. In the archaic dialect, especially in the liturgical books, the acc. of the neuter singular of demonstratives is often used strati- adverbially. Ait. Br. 1, 9, 6 da pallifier car: af michuan- used as rare .... aff, here means in this case." prid adverbs. Cp. ibid. 1, 4, 2; 1, 15, 4, Ch. Up. 4, 2, 1 »then," etc. etc. The classic language has retained adverbial functions of A T, see 444 and 483. and 280. 209 = The interrogative pronoun is. Its comparative and its superlative are likewise used. The po- 1} See f. i. Livy 21, 46, 7 Numidae ab tergo sc ostcnderunt. Is pavor perculit Romanos. Cp. VIRG. Aen. 1, 261, NEPOS Lys. 3, 1. 14