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§ 20-23. plural of the common noun. ब्राह्मणः पूज्य: or बाहाणा: पूयाः (the brahman [that is, any brahman as far as he is a brahman] ought to he honored). Cp. f. inst Bhoj. 13 सर्पदष्टं विषव्याकुलं रोग- ग्रस्तं ...... तत्क्षणादेव विगतसकलव्याधिसंचयं कुर्म: [a kápalika speaks] »men, bitten by a serpent, or poisoned, or sick, we release immediately from illness." 15 Plural Rem, Proper names occasionally are employed in the plural number, when signifying one's family or descendants. Ragh. 1,9 names and I will celebrate the family of Raghu). Pân 2,4, of pro- per 62-70 gives a list of those, that admit of such a plural. 21. Plural of ab- - The plural of abstract nouns is employed in Sans- krit more largely than with us, at least sometimes in stract phrases, somewhat strange to our feeling. Kamand. 1,62 जितेन्द्रियस्य नृपतेनीतिमार्गानुसारिणः । भवन्ति ज्वलिता लक्ष्म्यः कोर्तयश्च नभःस्पृशः nouns. »if a prince, who keeps his senses under control, follows the path of polity, his fortune (fortune) blazes upward, and his glory (laudes) reaches heaven, " gak. VI शव्याप्रान्तविवर्तनैर्विगमयत्युन्निद् एव तपा: » sleep- less he passes his nights, tossing himself to and fro upon his couch,” ibid. VII afa gaatruuangenfà, nominum similitudines. Of the kind are Mhbh. 1, 123, 77 »in times of distress," raq (= भयकालेबु ) R. 3, 4, 9 and the like. 22. The plural of a people's name is commonly used to Plural denote the region, where that people dwell. The coun- of a ple's try, inhabited by the nation called T is also named name. श्रङ्गा; in the same way it is spoken of पञ्चाला, मत्स्या, कोसलाः, विदर्भ etc., if the country of Pancala, Mat- sya, Kosala, Vidarbha is meant. Compare Latin Volsci, Parisii, Chatti, Germ. Polen, Hessen, Sachsen, Engl. Sweden and sim. 23. The pluralis majestaticus is often used in addressing lis ma- Plur persons or speaking of them in a reverential manner. jestati This applies to all words and epithets, such venerable men are cus. designated with. Câk. II the king asks the messenger rendr Pân. 4, 2,81.