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16 § 23-25. fa: (are you sent by my revered mother?). R. 1, 68 king Ja- naka tells Daçaratha the great exploit done by his sublime son Rāma सेयं मम सुता राजन्विश्वामित्रपुरस्कृतैः । यदृच्छयागतै राजनिर्जिता तव पुत्रकैः (your illustrious child, my king, has won my daughter, as he was come here by chance, a companion of Vievāmitra). Rem. Note the much employed metaphor of speaking of the feet of " instead of the revered master himself. In that case the name or title is commonly compounded with : note the plural — as Hitop. 96 एष दुष्टबको अस्मद्देशे चरनपि देवयादानधिक्षिपति »-insults Your Majesty." 24. — Similarly it is a token of great respect, if one is addressed by the plural of the personal pronoun or a instead of ra or the polite war. Daç. 69 a girl thus addresses a holy man भगवनुस्या मे दोषमेषा वो दामी विज्ञापयति (Reve- rend, she, your servant, tells you of wrong done by me), Çak. V the ascetic C ngârava says to king Dushyanta Hafs: (Your Majesty has heard -), Panc. 71 [Damanaka to the lion] - वको युष्मत्पदानामुपरि दोहबुद्धिः ). 2,59. 25. The plural of the first person is allowed to be made Pân. 1, use of, when meaning a singular or a dual. Here we have not a majestic plural, but almost the same liberty as in Latin, to use nos ego. Thus may have the or चा- वामू. or purport of ग्रहम् and श्रावाम्, and कुर्मः may be = करोमि कुर्व: . Instances are very common. Mudr. I Câşakya thus addresses his pupil क्त्म कार्याभियोग एवास्मानाकुलयति, Pane. 41 a monk asks for hospitality with these words भी भद्र वयं सूर्योठा ऋति धयस्तवान्तिकं प्राप्ताः । न कमप्यत्र ग्रामे ज्ञानीम: *) Similarly Panc. 58 the 1 1) Pânini does not mention this idiom; did it not exist in his time? Patanjali also is silent about it, but the Kaçika-comm. contains the vartt (on P.1, 2, 59 ) युष्मदि गुरावेकेषाम् 2) The given instance does not agree with the statement of some granumarino quoted by Pat. I, 230ऋपर श्राह| अस्मदः सविशेषणास्य प्रयोगे न. Pat himself allows the plural of the first person even then, unless the pro- per name or the yuvapratyaya be added, thus

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