Page:Sanskrit syntax (IA cu31924023201183).pdf/47

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§ 41-42. 31 Rem. The acc. of the aim is not changed into the genitive, when attending a noun. It is said à saga (the transporter of a horse to Srughna), with the acc. of the aim and the gen. of the object. Cp. Pat. I, p. 336. 42. Acc. of 1I. The acc. of the object. Upon the whole, the the ob- same category of verbs are transitive in Sanskrit as are ject. elsewhere. Yet, some cases of discrepancy and some idiomatic turns proper to Sanskrit are to be noticed: 1. Verbs of speaking may admit of the accus. of the per- son addressed, cp. 46; 2. Many a Sanskrit intransitive, whose English equivalent is likewise intr., may occa- sionally admit of an object put in the accus.; then the translation will generally differ. Of the kind are: tr. to weep for; >> to laugh at; to rejoice at; to pity; to rain upon; 1. intr. to weep, to laugh, - 2. इसति >> 3. नन्दति 4. शोचति » >> >> 5. वर्षति 6. 7. चिन्तयति » to fight; >> to think of; to reflect; are trans, when = 8. Verbs of rambling, erring, like »to walk over, to go through", note also such turns as mai unata (he is a hunting), (he lives by begging). - 9 नमस्करोति, नमति and its compounds, may be construed with the acc. of him to whom respect is shown. A complete list of verbs is difficult to give. Most of them are to be known by the dictionary. Rem. 1. As a rule, the said accusatives are not obligatory. So the verbs of speaking admit also of a dat. or locat. or ; it is and qu are oftener construed with dat. or gen.; said as well युध्यति शत्रुणा or प्रात्रुणा सह (समम् etc.) as युध्यति शत्रुम्, and so on. to rejoice, to be sorry, " D to rain, to fight, to think, D )) Rem. 2. Note also the turn gi af (this falls to my share) and the trans. construction of gaf or gound ng (etc.), see f. inst. Kumâras. 1, 25; 3, 63; Ragh. 3, 22; 4, 11.