Page:Sanskrit syntax (IA cu31924023201183).pdf/49

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$ 45-46. Verbs is the counterpart of the well-known Latin idiom munus with a dou- mihi donat munere me donat. Compare for inst. ble con- struc- f tion. - Mhbh. (ed. Calc. 3, 17242) A faragat: quaamat: (Dharma bestows riches on both good and wicked). fara - R. (Gorr.) 5, 11, 11 - (they utter out be- ` guiling talk). AL - (he robe the mo- ney). Both constructions are used Paraskara (Grhy. 2, 2,7) - M Yâji. 2, 114 [fa]a fast- ga (a father may either bequeath his sons as he likes best, or he should bestow the best lot upon the eldest). M. 8, 270 33 matud arar THPT faut (a not-dvija, when hurting a dvija with harsh words). a: adzenzyd da ran affquifa. Rem. The verb seems to offer some irregularity of construc- tion, but in fact it is not this verb, which is dealt with in a strange way, but it is the common translation of it, which con- ceals its proper meaning. One is wont to translate it to sacri- fice," but its real purport must have been some of worship- ping, honouring, feeding" or the like. Accordingly the offering is put in the instrumental, the divinity fed or worshipped in the accusative. One needs must say faffnUSINE TOUS BEOUS Cósu ú. The real equivalent of our »sacrificing" is vew; here the divinity is a dative, and the object is either the fire or wheresoever the offering is poured into, or the of fering itself; therefore age or on antagelin. Moreover the etymol. accus. is of course also available as well with s as with may be said a nune, amelr gelin. But the instrum. of the offering with gis vaidik according to P. 2, 3, 3 (see Pat. on that sutra, I, p. 444). I it 46. Now, some verbs have the faculty of admitting two gul sang (he robs the owner).. side by side in this mantra of Double objects at the same time. object, It is said as well M if (he tells a story) as at afm (he speaks to you); as well aj nafa (be vanquishes the enemy) as fizi mafa (ke