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39 § 52. 69 sq. tive. Hitherto there is no difference between the syntax of Sanskrit and of its sister-languages. But the accusative is also wanted with some classes of verbal nouns, com- monly not reckoned among the participles etc., ') nl. P. 2, 3, a.) with those in 3, made of desiderative verbs; this class of adjectives has indeed almost the nature of par- ticiples, b.) with some in 3 of kindred signification, c) with those in , when having the worth of a partic, of the future, d.) with some krts in ), e) with the krt in 7, when barytona. FR Examples: a.) M. 1, 8 fagfolat: : (wishing to create the manifold creatures), Mbbh. 1, 167, 48 adatfuert goun faalg: abat- 6.) Daç. 25 à¤t Houranwafgangen (as I could not bear the harshness of their words); c.) Kâç. on P. 2, 3, 70 an ant af (he goes to make a mat) ³); e.) see 53. Rem. 1. Those in 3 are also mentioned by Pånini as agreeing with acc., but this construction has antiquated. Instances of it are met with in the archaic dialect, Taitt. S. 6, 1, 6, 6 antaan on feat tố đa, Ch. Up. ă, 2, 2 earch eath Haf (surely, he - Hàn obtains a dress). - Rem. 2. Note also the acc. with the adj. (worth, deserving). As far as I know, this idiom is restricted to the epics. Mbbb. 1, 68, 4 3 graet Fiar aq (this king is by his penance worth of 1) See SIECKE, de genetivi in lingua sanscrita imprimis vedica usu, p. 17 sqq. 2) Especially, if a debt be the object, P. 2, 3, 70. Kâç. . 3) Examples in literature are scarce. WHITNEY (Grammar § 271 c.) quotes Mbbh. 3,73,25 rufanec;, but the example is doubtiul, for the whole sentence runs thus: HaHale, where it is also possible to accept the acc. as the aim of the verb :. - R. 3, 10, 15 a au anaf: would afford an instance of an, con- strued with the accusative, if it were not probably a bad reading; Fuentrars is to be changed in . I 1