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§ 54-55. 41 going on. Compare the acc. spatii and temporis in Latin, Greek, German etc. Examples: a.) space R. 2, 91, 29 ya fe au yfi; aamirant- (for the soil became flat over an extent of five yojana's in every direction), Mhbh. 1, 158, 40 fâu Á…… Jod & deterge (he seized him and dragged him along over a space of eight bow-lengths). Rem. When naming the dimensions of a thing, one does not use this accus., but avails one's self of bahuvrihi-compounds. b.) time Panc. 165 af ff (for so many days (gentle sirs, please, it was yours), Daç. 96 ugent: aritzant of wait a moment). Rem. 1. Now and then the acc. of time denotes the time at which. R. 2, 69, 1 : fàuta en ai gâg i udªmià ai à if gte safa, Daç. 153 at sa fac:...... meta talle aitan an faralarty:. Aqu...... fatas ela. Op. Ait. Br. 1, 22, 12; Mhbh. 1, 63, 40; ibid. 1, 121, 34; Apast. 1, 5, 12. Rem. 2. Sometimes is put behind the acc., when deno- ting the time, during which. Hitop. p. 51 alashian Wan (I am bound to perform during a month a vow for Durgå). Rem. 3. The acc. of time remains unchanged in the passive; see Daç. 96 quoted above. But occasionally it is dealt with, as if it were the object. R. 2, 88, 23 : o mat (here the noble hero has passed the night on the naked earth) instead of ga gana'). IV. As a rule, the accusative neuter of any A 55. Adver- bial ac- adjective noun may do duty for an adverb, cusa- tive. ♫ (he goes swiftly), (he speaks gently), TI 1) Comp, such Latin expressions, as Caes. B. G. 5, 39, 4 aegre is dies sustentatur, and the interesting discussion on the matter Pat. I, p. 445 sq. From Patanjali's words it is sufficiently plain, that to say qu is as good as y. From another pas- sage of the same book (I, p. 338, vârtt. 9) it results, that some made the kâlakarma-verba range with the akarmaka or intransitives.