Page:Sanskrit syntax (IA cu31924023201183).pdf/65

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§ 64-66. may be at a loss under which head to enregister a given instrumental. Rem. The being implied of so various logical con- ceptions by an implement for expression as small, as a case-ending is, has by the time become inconvenient. Instead of the simple instrumental, therefore, a more explicit mode of expression, signifying more precisely which kind of logical relation is meant in every instance, is often made use of, namely the periphrase by, such words as , , aña, zea, hr au, etc. Its relative frequency is one of the most striking fea- tures of modern, compared to ancient, Sanskrit. 65. Some fuller account on the different kinds of instrumental will Fullor be given now. account of them, 184 1. instrument or karana. Examples: Pat. I, p. 119 satt at dà 1 (a piece of wood, tied with a rope or with iron), Mrech. I (p. 54) mà manau a (cover him with this cloth), Panc. 148 cần đầu Fid145 #134Tf, Mhbh. 1, 144, 18 gang Rengain Fran (he started on a chariot, drawn by asses), ibid. I, 120, 19 tantumia canvunungan gata i ga: st: foto an (by sacrifices he propitiates the gods, by study and penance the munis, by [procreating] sons and [performing] the funeral rites. the fathers, by [practising] mildness he propitiates men). adala Persons, when being instruments, are likewise put in the third case; consequently the Sanskrit instrumental of a person answers as well to Lat. per as to Lat. a. Prabodh. VI, p. 132 qm a fùuàA farf&d= Lat, compertum est a me per speculatorem, 66. 2. agent or kartr. In this meaning the instrumental attends a.) on passive verbs, to denote the subject of the action, as has been pointed out 6, -b) on verbal nouns, as Mâlav. I, p. 28 ffagier: (forbearing the blame of others), for ju f las a. In the latter case the so-called subjective genitive = 49 -