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§ 90-93. 67 p. 102 begin to ascend the funeral pile at the gate of the king's palace), ibid. 126 mar (he commenced to take an oath), Prab. V tarefa af (he has resolved to die), Dag, 192 en að au afdvertendumarated (and this tale was fit to win the warrior), Kumar. 4, 39 fa fa (Rati, being ready to give up life); Çak. I fefafa (having charged his daughter with the reception of guests), Kathas, 15, 82 Fegara adfunts: (he was appointed by the gods to destroy Râ- vana). - Even with verbs of promising. Prabodh. II, p. 24 aññana akirud faachd actuar laura (Viveka and his minister have engaged them- selves to rouse the moon of enlightening). 91. In short, in Sanskrit datives of nomina actionis (bhávavacanání) do often duty of infinitives. As they, however, are always felt as noun-cases, they agree with the genitive of their object. But in the ancient dialect many of them had verbal construction. More ample information about them will be given in the chapter on the infinitive. 92. Time- deno- - Time-denoting datives may serve for expressing a time to come, when a limit of something to be done. Aantal Appiagy faufsin: ting Mâlav. V, p. 139 ..... dative. (I have set at entire liberty the horse, that it might be brought back after a year). Of a similar nature is this dative in R. 2, 62, 17 (Kausalya speaks) a arte dint 4 we count now on R.'s exile but five nights, which seem to me as many years." 93. CHAPTER VI. Ablative ¹). The fifth case or ablative serves to denote the whence, 1) Comp. DELBRÜCK Ablativ, Localis, Instrumentalis, p. 1-27.