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$94-95. 69 the place), ibid. III od fana à and 2 (and my heart does not some back from thence as little as water from

  • below), Kathâs. 72, 175

, Daç. 29 Marta (descending from the swing). 95. b.) in its manifold applications to kindred conceptions.. Of the kind are: I. to see, hear, speak etc. from a spot. R. 2, 7, 2 atent Tant mielela (Mantharâ let go her looks over Ay. from the platform) ¹). 2. to fall from; to waver from, to swerve from etc. ga: a beast that has swerved from its flock". Var. Brh. 9, 44 cand a f an (no water falls down from heaven). So often with metaphor. Ch. Up. 4, 4, 5t: (you have not swerved from the truth), Kathås. 25, 179 Fun zan a: (v. a. he did not give up his purpose), Mudr. III, p. 126 maad: zaldanarë qàa àœnî (I will easily vanquish the Maurya, for he has withdrawn his affection from C.). Compare the Latin causa cadere. T (he HURT- 3. to take, to receive from. M. 4; 252: never must accept but from an honest man), Panc. 48 ich (he took a razor from his box), ibid. 286 sta donnanfaa cum (— raised some money from a money-lender), Kathas. 29, 47 T araanga andrd. Likewise to marry from: Kathas. 24, 152 e fo aand. 4. to get Panc. 216 -> 29. information -, to hear to learn from. P. 1, 4,

far, Daç. 68 haft

41516- (learnt from a group of conversing people), Ch. Up. 1, 8, 7 Elgunsnaat az (well, let me know this from the Reve- rend) 2). 3 5. to ask, to wish from. Kathas. 25, 137 atad yad (who has asked the king for some water?), Kâm. 1, 41 u- Ô TÔ TR a au (by its eagerness for music the deer seeks 1) See vårtt. 1 and 2 on P. 2, 3, 28 in Pat. I, p. 455. 2) The commentaries explain the rule of Pàn. 1, 4, 29, so as to make an artificial distinction between the constructions with gen. and with abl., not thought of by Panini himself,