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70 § 95-96. death from the hunter), Mhbh. 1, 159, 17 arall: 971 aftuanie Sadn 6. the so called partitive ablative, see 116 R. 1. NB. In the cases 3-6 the genitive is the concurrent idiom, with those of asking also the accus. (46). 96. The ablative also attends words of separation and disjoin- Abla- tive of ing to denote from whence there is a withdrawal, as Kathas. 72, 13 en fautisid: (separated from you). separa- As we have shown above (62), the instrumental is here the concurrent idiom. The following examples may illustrate the various applications of this employment. a.) to draw off, to sever; to disagree with. Pane, 50 miffufa, Mudr. IV P. 136 Argityle 47 ant: Ar: (being disinclined to C.) b.) to release of. Panc. 45 a afya, Mahâv. I, p. 9 à¤44 Asıldaì Argan (she has now been released from that sin), — c.) to deprive of. R. 2, 8, 25 latyna get ufaufa gàu star (he will be wholly spoliated [lit. dísinherited], your son, of enjoyments, yea, of all connection with the royal family), M. 5, 161 T.... aft, Panc. II, 117 ms (he forfeits heaven), ep. 95, 2., d.) those of desisting from, stopping, cea- sing. Kumar. 3, 58 aug (he desisted from his exertions), Daç. 132 for fun stan, Kumâr. 5, 73 dan sedia

(turn away your mind from this bad design).

Rem. 1. Note suf (to cheat of)') with abl. Kathâs. 42, 75 e grung: aumen anfanar (she, my fellow-consort, has by trickery taken away my ohtaining a son), Panc. III, 117 af tui am fara (to cheat a brahman of his he-goat). Rem. 2. With qaf and the like, the thing neglected is put in the ablat. (vârtt. on P. 1, 4, 24). Taitt. Up. 1, 11, 2 UTFIT QA Pat. I, p. 326 ufusrala, wafagufa (he neglects his duty). 10 - $ 1 1) Literally to cause to tumble out of," for a (cp. a) is akin to lat. vacillare, germ. wanken, dutch waggelen.