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101 4 74 § 100-102. put in the genit, for the five sons did belong to him, but the deities, who had procreated them, are put in the abla- tive. So often with verbs of being borne the name of the father is put in the abl., that of the mother in the locative, R. 2, 107, 2 ama: gat ramachen, M. 10, 64 atat. Yet, the father may also be a gen, commodi (132) or an instrumental, Note such phrases as (Pat. I, 455) (Kathâs. 25, 55) : facarena man Caktideva from the town of Vardhamâna). 2. Mhbh. I, (Paushyap.) a vida dels malalze194 gravad, Daç, 141 à parte ant me tras: (and - my father, who had come from such a distress to as great a hap. piness, as if he had risen from hell to heaven), Ratn, I, p. 16- So to álgredlar 414fany (v. a. we have festival after festival). heal or recover from illness: Pane. V, 91 ard: far: (all three of them were healed from their infirmity). 3. Mrech. IV, p. 135 a numita fatta aceT: (this ornament has been made, as if it were, according to the mea- sure of your body), Mâlav. IV, p. 91 fama: qñan; (attendance according to her rank). Cp. 69. 1 anayern and (I am the brah- I 1 In short, the ablative is available in any case, it is wanted to express the side, something has come from, whether contained in the foresaid categories or not. So R. 2, 26, 31 ) : chef (she deserves respect from your side), Mhbh. 1, 145, 9 musà fuga: mgr rì a quà (Dhr. cannot bear them having obtained the royalty beeause of their father), Panc. 262 à ofta

(from the side of

my kinsmen), Rem. The last example is at the same time an instance of the abl. which denotes him, by whom one is defeated or over- thrown [P. 1, 4, 26]; cp. Kathas. 28, 49. 102. Hence, the cause, reason, motive by which, is likewise expressed by the ablative ñamely as far as it is con-