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106. § 105-106. 79 pared with him nobody is happy here); Utt. II, p. 29 agafa not- fa aledarui dnità ant a fasiguen. 1773. R. 2, sarga 95*, 53, pentşeti şàu Màń z wapa (to live, deprived of one member by your weapon, is better than death), Pane. 142 rasfuch; q aga, Mhbh. 1, 89, 2 gất duet wası: (your superior by age), R. 2, 8, 18. aastal sat (he listens much to me, and more than to the Kausalya), Kathâs. 53, 10 da manfa fchof (indeed, he did not know how to give less than a laxa to an indigent), M. 2, 95 granat- dolat afrunt fa (giving up all desires exceeds obtaining them). Compare this instance from the archaic literature: Ait. Br. 7, 17, 4 mai fù warfa ranquitar un (you have chosen three hun- dred of cows instead of me). the of 3. - of 4. Rgv. 10, 18, 121) sand aatan (the other path, which is not the path of the gods), Ch. Up. 1, 10, 2a [=+3] sfa (nor are there others but these), Panc. II, 12 atgri tì, Prabodh, III, p. 61 ayat fumatmaksary (the crea- tures so different among themselves, yet not different from God). Observations on the abl. of comparison. 1 Rem. 1. Our »>than" with the comparative is to be rendered in Sanskrit by the ablative. Such restrictions, as for instance liniit the faculty of using the abl. of. comparison in Latin, do not exist in Sanskrit. It is impossible to say in Latin dat tibi plus me »he gives to you more than to me," hut it must be said plus quam mihi. In Sanskrit nothing impedes such sentences as di à 4 af. So Malat. X, p. 164 eta Jana (hence, you must bear more affection towards me, than towards your own mother). funda . Rem. 2. Note the abl. with such words as: double, treble etc. sim. M. 8, 289 aqui uz: (a fine of five times the value). Rem. 3. If it is to be said no other than, nobody but, any phrase with the meaning »but for" may be used instead of the abl. Panc. 176 t ta mafa (no other but you will know it), ibid. 160 rasturat Hai sa Then, the ablative may also be used even without faca. , as Kumáras, 6, 44 afici -