in hell in "fieri" Some men as well as devils are tormented before the time. Let us not count the less of religion, that it is made a cloak for covering ⟨sin⟩; let us beware that such a man's fall prove not ⟨a⟩ neck-break to us; let us idolize no man for his profession, or that he is of this or that persuasion, ⟨or⟩ of such a party: let no man rest in a bare profession of religion. Men in compact with the devil, may be assisted both to preach and pray. The devil's servants are well rewarded at the last. Profession and practice must go together; a clinking profesion, with an unbridled tongue, is a vain religion. "Pure religion, and undefiled before God and the Father, is, to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction; and for a man to keep himself unspotted from, the world."
Major Weir was burnt between Edinburgh and Leith, at a place called the Gallowlee, on Thursday the 14th of April 1676.
A Wonderful discovery of Murder by an Apparition.
About the year of the Lord 1632, near unto Chester in the street, there lived one Walker, a yeoman of good estate, and a widower, who had a young woman called Anna Walker to his kinswoman, that kept his house, who was by the neighbours suspected to be with child; and was, towards