Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/335

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Andrew touched her on the shoulder and cleared his throat.

"I reckon we better be gettin ready, Si May-e." He sniffed and fumbled the hat in his hands.

Big Boy stood wiping his red eyes.

"Si-Maye," Maum Hannah hobbled up, "gi Emma to me. You got to go now. De sun'll soon set."

The new pine box stood waiting on two chairs, its cover leaning against the table's legs, waiting to be nailed on. Andrew began turning back the sheet.

"Please, Cun Andrew, don' put Unex on de naked boards. E's so thin—dey is so hard."

She got a quilt which Andrew folded into a long narrow length and laid smooth in the box; then he put a pillow at the head. She stood watching all that was done in silence until Andrew took up the board cover, then she could not help crying out, "Oh, Gawd, why couldn' you le me keep my child a lil bit longer?"

She fell on her knees by the box and bowed her head to the floor. The cover fell out of Andrew's hands and clattered heavily down.

Big Boy picked it up and said brokenly, "Gi me de hammer and nails, Pa, I'll finish em." He called out solemnly to the crowd standing