Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/336

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outside in the yard, "All o you-all what wants to look at de body come on in."

A long line of people filed in and then out. And the hammer in Big Boy's hand began falling on the nail-heads with quick telling strokes. Mary gripped her jaws tight together trying to keep her mouth shut, but she couldn't.

"Don' nail de cover down so tight, Big Boy. Seems like it'll smother em.—Oh, Jedus—Master—look down——"

Andrew's mule was hitched to the plum tree, and as Andrew helped Mary climb up into the wagon, to sit on the board seat laid across the coffin, a soft shower of white petals fell over her.

"Tell Auntie to come set by me," Mary whispered, and Andrew lifted the old woman and put her on the seat beside Mary, then he took up the rope reins and the mule drew the creaking wagon down the street. Reverend Duncan came next. He was alone in his buggy, for his huge body so completely filled the buggy seat, there was no room for his big fat wife who drove alone in another buggy right behind him.

A stream of men and women and children on foot followed them. The sun was almost down, it soon would set in the open grave. The tree-