Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/337

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tops glowed red; the people marched and sang.

Mary heard none of the words, but she knew that all these great waves of sound were prayers sent up to God.

Reverend Duncan took his place at the head of the grave and opened his Book, the same Book he used to marry her to July.

Doll yelled at the top of her voice. Andrew and Big Boy hurried to hold her and keep her from hurting herself in her grief. The whole congregation wailed and wept as Reverend Duncan told how Jesus rose from the dead.

Night fell before the service was done. Torches lighted the men who filled in the grave with heavy red earth and patted it smooth. All the medicine bottles were laid on it.

Then Reverend Duncan opened the Book again and read: "De Lawd gave, de Lawd have take em away. Blessed be de name o de Lawd."